To strip or not to strip? (hair dye that is)

I usually use the Revlon or Loreal hair color removal kit that you can get at any drugstore or supermarket but I decided to try something I found at Sally Beauty Supply instead and I am not too impressed. It was on sale and hardly worth it. It's called ION Color Corrector and then you buy a small bottle of 10 vol. developer to rinse with. First of all, despite it's claims of having a 'refreshing fragrance' it smells so bad that I almost didn't finish applying it to my hair. My boyfriend said after many oh wows at how smelly it was he said it smells like moldy dirt so if you don't mind that kind of nasty stench then go for it. Smelliness aside, it still was very weak and burned my eyes a little. It barely removed the layers of cheap black dye. I had other color strippers that had much less a problem with removing the dye and the ION Color Corrector is not supposed to lighten your natural color but it turned mine orange and even more so after I used the 10 vol. developer as the instructions indicated. Next time I will put out the extra 2 to 5 bucks to get a less messy less smelly and much more effective product right from the corner drugstore. The drugstore versions are one step and the Ion Color Corrector is 2 steps, 3 if you count the 10 vol. developer you have to use. Also I believe the Hair Color Removal Kit I have used a few times over the years from the drugstore is a lot less damaging and even softens my hair as opposed to the Ion Color Corrector. That was my experience and it's nothing I will try again!!


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