Sorry ass people society. It's a group of people who band together over how sorry they are for not being what other people want them to be and who want to please everyone. I sometimes attend their meetings. I go and I say "Hi, my name is so and so and I'm a sap. I tried to make my boyfriend happy and for a while it seemed to work, I acted right I didn't argue with everything and anything, I didn't get too tired and crabby and take it out on him. I have to admit however that I had a relapse and we got into a huge fight. I hate fighting and I'm bad at it. I need your help my fellow SAPS. So everyone at these meetings tells me it will be okay and it will work itself out (whatever that means). I left feeling still utterly clueless and I know I still have a lot to deal with and I have only created more trouble for myself but I want, I want, I want, and NEEEEEED something more but what? Maybe next meeting will have the answers so until then try not to worry and EVERYTHING WILL BE OKAY. So meanwhile I will have to just pick up some new hobbies and see what developes.
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