Something Very Unexpected
I have never known my birth father. My parents married too young and divorced. My mom remarried and I was adopted by my step dad. I love my parents very much but always wondered about my birth father. He was very immature and selfish when my parents had me and did not treat my mom well and she was very immature as well but she adored me as did my other close family members. Only recently, since finding my relatives on my biological fathers side, have I learned a bit more about him but not much. Apparently he went on to become a psychologist and a father all over again to my 1 year old half brother...mind you that is a 32 year age gap! So I assume he very much regreted not being a father to me when he was young and waited a long time to give himself a second chance. I only wish he had given that second chance to me as well. Now it's too late. I met up with his sister, my Aunt Paula and other relatives from his side and found out that he had dies about 2 weeks to a month ago. I'm still in shock. So many questions left unanswered and i will never get to meet him face to face and reintroduce myself. So all I can really do is stay in touch with his wonderful wife and alway sbe there for my little half brother. He is adorable! Anyways it was very unexpected. Life really throws us through a loop sometimes and this was one of those times! Maybe now at least I can let go of anything I hung onto that maybe made not knowing him difficult sometimes and I can get to know him a little through others who knew him best. Thi smay prove to be a bit tricky since I know he was moody and very introverted but I don't think he was as much in his later years from the pictures I have seen of him being goofy and having fun with his family. I think maybe my brother gave him a sense of freedom he wanted to be the dad he never got to be to me. I forgive him for not being there and I understand that some people aren't the parenting type or some take much longer to mature and appreciate life in general. R.I.P. 'Dad'.
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